July Sam’s Club Trip

Open pages of the Sam's Club Instant Savings catalog featuring bath towels, sheets, blankets, clothes hangers, hampers, and pillows.

I was minding my own business a week or so ago when I checked the mailbox. What I didn’t know was that there was a small catalog in there that would send me into a tizzy of “great deals” and “must haves”. I opened the mailbox. After sorting through the mail, I held it in my hands.

The Sam’s Club Instant Savings catalog. 

I know you’re laughing at me, but hear me out. You may or not be aware of the wholesale club that is Sam’s Club. We’ve been members for the past few years (since having kids, really) and every year, I purchase more and more of our things there. Depending on what we buy, it can be a very good deal. And mama is always after good deals. 

Back to the catalog.

I opened it and right away, I was drawn to the “Live Large in Small Spaces” spread. Bath towels. Velvet clothes hangers. Hampers. Pillows. The promise of “all the fancy feels” (Sam’s Club’s words, not mine). Everything that I’ve been meaning to update in our house. Our bath towels had lost their softness years ago. Our plastic clothes hamper was from when my husband was in grad school. Our clothes hangers were a toss-up of Old Navy hangers your clothes come on and the wire ones you get from the dry cleaner that are barely weight-bearing hangers. It all got circled with a Sharpie.

In my mind, it was a sign that the time for the upgrade was finally upon us. 

List in hand, I made my way to our local Sam’s Club. Navigating through the aisle with my gigantic shopping cart, I loaded it with some of the “instant savings” deals and regular household stuff. Here is what made it home with me this time:

And while I didn’t purchase these this most recent trip, here are some of my usuals that I buy frequently:

I didn’t return home with everything that I had circled in the catalog. The clothes hamper was nowhere to be found. I didn’t see the NARS blush I wanted in the beauty section. But trust me, the catalog is still sitting on my desk, tempting me every day. Until we meet again, Sam’s Club! 

Do you have a Sam’s Club membership? What are some of the best deals and favorite products you find there?

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